Clevedon Lions Winners Ride Out - 11th August 2002


Earlier in the year we had our annual Lions ride out, on offer to the sponsors was a prize for guessing the mileage of that trip, and today, a day out with us was that prize.

There were 4 lucky or unlucky winners, depending on your point of view, Phillip & Kim, Julie & Diane.

In time honoured fashion we arranged to meet at Safeway's car park Clevedon and from there set off on what turned out to be a 158.9 mile ride to the south coast. In keeping with the great British summer it RAINED! However this did not detract from a really enjoyable day.

Click on image for larger version.

Nice and misty, rainy and cold here in West Bay.....

That's Better, something hot to eat and drink, who say's you can't have fun? Well apart from Niki who is holding my tea.

Oh my god Diane, do you look like that in the mornings too? No don't answer that!

Kim showing off I think....  Settle down and drink your coffee guy's. Very nice staff at the Little Chef Glastonbury, good discounted rates for group arrivals too.

Ian with Julie who made us all laugh by asking "who gets off first?" Novice pillion me thinks.

Paul and Phillip (Kim's other half)

Ian and Julie

Chris and Kim


Last Changed 13 October 2002                                                                              Registered Charity No.1001067