The Pan European - The Story.....

The year 2000 saw an eventful calendar for the Freewheelers, our aim was to secure a better motorcycle for our work. Many long hours spent talking to people, shaking collection tins, doing sponsored rides and more. By September we were all pretty worn out.

We had finally done it, we had raised enough money to purchase a replacement bike. A dream had come true. In mid-December we took delivery of our pride and joy. R516, an ex-Honda U.K. demonstrator, all we had to do was put pretty coloured bits on it and we were ready to roll. The bike "kit" was very generously provided by Sonic Communications along with a good supply of spares too.

Or so we thought. Little did we realise just how difficult it is to insure twelve riders plus on one bike. We got insurance quotes of �3000+. Our hearts sank, we tried everywhere until finally we found a company who would accommodate us, and they did so for just a few hundred pounds.

In January 2001, R516 proudly rolled out of the chairman's driveway, to start its new life as a Freewheeler Blood Bike. Destined to do 20,000 miles a year, during any weather, at any time of the day or night. If you see it, you now know what it is, a bike run entirely by volunteers, donations and a huge dollop of goodwill. Many thanks to all our supporters.


Last Changed 13 October 2002                                                                              Registered Charity No.1001067