Support The Freewheelers
The running costs for the Freewheelers are currently covered totally by the fundraising efforts of our members. We would like to obtain greater sponsorship from local businesses to help safeguard our future.
Over the past year we have received generous help from the following organisations. Provide WEB space for this site free of charge
Sonic Communications Have very generously provided us with equipment for the new Pan and also enough spares to see us through many years to come.
Thanks for all your support


Donations And Sponsors
Donations to the Freewheelers, however large or small, are always more than welcome - and form the basis of our funding. If you or your company would like to help out please contact us. We rely on donations to keep our service running, and we are also looking for sponsors to help meet our main expenses - monthly petrol and telephone costs.
Bike Riders
We are always looking for new riders to help keep our service going - the more riders we have the better, so we can cover sickness or to allow people who can't manage a full week to still ride for us.
If you cannot or don't want to ride the bike, we would still like to hear from you if you are able to help us out. We need people to help with fundraising, manning stands at events and helping with administration etc. Any offer of help is appreciated.


Last Changed 25 June 2003                                                                              Registered Charity No.1001067