ClevedonRide Out
23rd September 2001

Today saw a great day in the company of several members of the Clevedon Lions, who through sponsorship embarked on a ride out of some 85 miles around Somerset. Many had never ridden before and others not since the end of the last war!

On October 15th, The Clevedon Lions presented Freewheelers with over �300.00 in sponsorship monies raised by this event. It goes without saying that we cannot thank the Lions and their sponsors enough for yet another fantastic donation.

Despite the weather being on the cool side we had a great time.

Here are some pictures of the crowd.

My pillion 'Bernard' a real cool dude!
Getting ready to 'mount up'
Grub stop at Safeway's, Weston-super-Mare
Come on Bernard, get the tea in....
Feeding time at the zoo, poor staff, did they have to work?
All over... time to get out of the leathers.
The whole crowd, still smiling too.


Last Changed 17 February 2002                                                                              Registered Charity No.1001067