Clevedon Lions Festival 30th June 2001 Clevedon

As a chosen charity, a small group of us arrived with both our Blood bikes and others besides. Still sporting the all new corporate image we took position for the day. As is the norm with these things vast amounts of coffee, tea and very nice cake was consumed.

On the 17th September 2001 we were presented with a cheque for �2000.00 by Mr Paul Martin of the Clevedon Lions. We would obviously like to thank Paul and all the other members who were able to make such a grand donation, which will go a long way to improving the service we offer and to improving the quality of life for all those we help.

Mr Ian Reed (Secretary) receiving the cheque from Mr Paul Martin

Here are a couple of photos to mark the occasion.

And in this one we are not quite sure if Bob is getting it on with the display or not . . . . . .

Last Changed 17 February 2002                                                                              Registered Charity No.1001067