Bristol Balloon Fiesta 11th August 2001 Ashton Court


In keeping with tradition, a presence was made at the Bristol Balloon Fiesta held at Ashton Court in conjunction with Avon Wings (Honda Goldwings Rider/Owners Club).

All monies raised by Avon Wings will be generously donated to our cause.

For those of us that attended, we had a great day and raised �291.57 from our collection tins alone. Thanks to all those very kind people who dug deep to help.

I would like to say a special 'Thank you' to the young lad who insisted in giving a whole bag of loose change - HIS HOLIDAY MONEY.

Here are a few photos taken today.

Ray and Chris doing their bit.
Ray being daft - again.... his mother wanted a girl you know.
Mike Ball, the main man of Avon Wings.
New recruit 'Frankie' raising cash.
Two very nice young lads on a wing. Anthony on the front and  Christopher on the back - thanks guys.

Many thanks to all those who helped and to those who gave so kindly.


Last Changed 17 February 2002                                                                              Registered Charity No.1001067